Develop iOS Apps on Windows With Cross-Platform Tools.Build Your Own “Hackintosh” to Run Xcode.Install macOS on Your Windows PC via VirtualBox.Get your hands on a second-hand Mac (starting at $300).Develop iOS apps on Windows with cross-platform tools.Run Xcode on Windows by installing macOS on a virtual machine.Build your own “Hackintosh” by installing macOS on a PC.Run and compile Swift directly on Windows/Linux.Rent a Mac in the cloud (starting at $20/mo).In this tutorial, we’ll discuss how you can install Xcode on Windows to build iOS apps. How can you run Xcode on Windows and develop iOS apps with a Windows PC? The short answer is: you can’t! You’ve got a few alternatives to get around that, however. Written by LearnAppMaking on Februin App Development Xcode for Windows: Develop iOS Apps on PC Home » App Development » Xcode for Windows: Develop iOS Apps on PC